Unguent - Relief from back & cervical pain
Lavender Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Rosemary Oil, Ginger Oil, Helichrysum Oil, Peppermint Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Marjoram Oil, Basil Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Pomegranate Seed Oil, Rosehip Oil, Vitamin-E, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil, Cherry Plum flower essence, Olive flower essence, Oak flower essence, Gorse flower essence, Wild Rose flower essence.
The human body is controlled by mechanisms of muscles and bones and quintessentially by the emotional neurological neurons. Unguent essential oil blend works deeply on both the fronts to achieve complete holistic healing.
Essential Oils:-
Reduces inflammation
Increases blood flow
Relieves pain
Bach Flower Remedies:-
Gives strength to fight hopelessness
Helps restore a positive, sensible attitude
Puts back interest in life